A short socio-philosophical reflection which only commits the author

Having a mule, working with one, requires another temporality.
Not that it is necessarily slow, soft or without energy. We have fast and athletic sports mules, so it is not a lack of drive.
The genes of father donkey are present, which will bring to some subjects a good dose of phlegm and this "annoying" capacity for reflection. Contact with a mule requires getting into its rhythm. I want to say, to a time gone by, the time of the seasons, before engines, television, radios with a jerky rhythm, smartphones and consumerist compulsion.

Even if it is neither ethical nor respectful to take just any horse, chosen for its origins or abilities, it will agree to submit to the reins, to contemporary coercive methods, so that the rider wins all the prizes with frenzy: gains, notoriety, glory and consumption of horse. Yes, it will last from 2 to 6 years, then we will go buy another one from the breeder who is right. The horse can submit to this contemporary frenzy: consumption, gains, glory and beauty... Even if this beautiful animal deserves respect and progress in its education and work, the selection of breeders has made it possible to have animals that are more and more efficient, and tolerant of clumsiness and abuse on the part of riders.

The mule, no. However, it is much more capable than a horse, although often less aesthetic, and even then...
First of all, the mule chooses you. It gets that from its dad. When I see ads like "Horse-Moped": "Looking for a beautiful, kind and well-educated mule", it speaks to me. Not to say that it triggers in me an emotion that has not yet been recognized, a hybrid between sadness and laughter. No, you don't buy a mule, you go and meet it, you talk, and only then do you give a check to the breeder or owner to reimburse them for their expenses and time spent. Besides, at the hourly rate, if you calculate correctly, it's really not much...
Then, you talk for a long time, quite a long time, even a very long time, with it, to prove yourself as a guardian and referent. Don't be fooled, the animal is fine and an expert in human ethology. She doesn't need you to survive, just to trust you to follow you... and more if there's a connection.
Once the relationship is established, she will classify you in a box: treat dispenser, ass scratcher or human who asks and asserts himself. And so, here we come: it's not the mule who will be nice, polite and all that jazz, but the human opposite. Yes, yes, we agree, this is also valid for horses, but with the mule, the whip will not make an impression. She will respond immediately with agility to tell you that she also knows how to hit and just!
If you move on to the work stage, it will take a little time for her to agree to do what you suggest, sometimes with a few heated discussions. This is where the concepts of "horsemanship" are interesting: make her want to.
Finally, you will end up reaching the Grail, after several fights, discussions, adjustments and struggles. But there, you will not regret anything. You will understand that a mule is earned and not bought in the aisles of the ready-made store: "Think less to consume more."
And one day, after a difficulty outdoors, during an obstacle course, during a dressage test, or simply during a walk in hand, you will say to yourself: "Oh yeah, really!"
She will have taught you to take your time, to stay in your bubble, so well anchored in the present. You will take your time with Mumule, this guide outside of time, who takes the time to put her hooves in the right place, at the right time.