Writing about mules is pretty rare, unless you speak English.
But here's what we have on hand:
Le Mulet Intime, by Adolphe Guenon, the bible, republished in 1999 under the title "la grande histoire du mulet" thanks to Olivier Courthiade and Jacques Clouteau.
Mule stories, by Olivier Courthiade
The Cordoba bibliomule (comic strip)
L'école des Mules, children's book
Le Mulet Valésien
Mules and Mules, exceptional animals, Eric Rousseau
Loys Bastide and his Charline Pierre Albert Clément, a must-read
Les Muletiers, by Pierre Pancrazy
And our last two, our favorites
Brèves de Mules, collective work (à commander sur brevesdemules@outlook.fr)
François ou l'or des muletiers Authors: Escoulen, Daniel